Thursday, July 23, 2009

Injure your joints

To cause an injury to a joint in your body by a sudden movement like twisting ,turning, stretching or violent bending :

His ankle was sprained.
- She fell and sprained her wrist.
I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle.
Bob sprained his wrist playing tennis.

To injure
a part of your body such as your ankle or wrist by turning or bending it too much, or in an unusual direction.

- He fell and twisted his ankle.

To twist or turn suddenly and forcibly.

- She wrenched her arm badly.
- He wrenched her right shoulder during a game of hockey.
- He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall.

To cause a joint or bone to move out of its normal position by stretching .

He dislocated his elbow in an accident.
I dislocated my shoulder playing football.
- She dislocated her knee
falling down some steps.

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- Injure someone
- Injure a part of your body


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