Monday, August 3, 2009

To hide sth/sb by being in front of it

- The house was hidden from the road by tall trees.
- Clouds hid the stars.
- The man's heavy mustache hid his upper lip completely.

- The shadows concealed her as she crept up to the house.
- The path was concealed by long grass.
- A long velvet curtain concealed a small doorway.
- a line of sand dunes concealed the distant sea
- clouds concealed the sun.

To prevent something from being seen.

- A row of tall trees had blocked the view of the valley.
- a line of spruce trees that blocked his view of the long north slope of the mountain.
- The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.

To conceal something or someone by being positioned in front of it and stopping you seeing it properly:

- Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.
- The trees in their garden obstruct our view of the ocean.
- The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.

To hide someone or something by being in front of them:

- The cottage was screened by the trees
- Their activities screened by darkness
- A line of tall trees screened the shop from the street.
- Most of the road behind the hotel was screened by a block of flats.

To prevent something from being seen properly:

- One wall of the parliament building is now almost completely obscured by a huge banner.
- The view was obscured by mist/smoke/fog.
- clouds/mist that obscured the mountain peak.

To block the view of something so that it can not be seen or noticed:

- Undergrowth masked the entrance to the cave.
- The new accommodation block has all but masked the original building.
- the poplars masked a factory.


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